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Showing results 305 to 324 of 3023 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-05-10Balanced abstract web-MVC style: an abstract MVC implementation for web-based applicationsDissanayake, N. R; Dias, G. K. A
2022-01-01Ball milling–A green and sustainable technique for the preparation of titanium based materials from ilmeniteThambiliyagodage, C. J; Wijesekera, R
2022-12-09Banana Disease Identification Using Machine Learning Based Technologies and Weather-Based Dispersion AnalysisKothalawala, M.U.; Gaveshith, M.G. K; Tharaka, A.H.D.H.; Punchihewa, I.A; Sriyaratna, D
2013-04Bank Notes Recognition Device for Sri Lankan Vision Impaired CommunityWickramasinghe, K; De Silva, D
2019-07-29Behavior & Bio metric based Masquerade Detection Mobile ApplicationChandrasekara, P; Abeywardana, H; Rajapaksha, S; Sanjeevan, p
2020-12-10Behavior Segmentation based Micro-Segmentation Approach for Health Insurance IndustryNandapala, E.Y.L.; Jayasena, K.P.N.; Rathnayaka, R.M.K.T.
2015-09-13Benefits and problems of health-care robots in aged care settings: A comparison trialBroadbent, E; Kerse, N; Peri, K; Robinson, H; Jayawardena, C; Kuo, T; Datta, C; Stafford, R; Butler, H; MacDonald, B. A; Robins, B
2014-12-10Best practices for rapid application development of AJAX based Rich Internet ApplicationsDissanayake, N. R; Dias, G.K. A
2022-12-26Betel Plant Tech: Betel Disease Forecasting System and Finding MarketplaceMaitipe, C.N; Bandara, G.P.C.C; Anuradi, M.R.C; Marambage, M. H. B. Y; Weerasinghe, L
2022-11-04Better you: Automated tool that evaluates mental health and provides guidance for university studentsEeswar, S. S; Samaratunga, J. S; Nivethika, G; Anjana, W.W.M.; Jayasingha, T.B.; Pandithakoralage, S; Kasthurirathna, D
2018-12-01Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Named Entity RecognitionPanchendrarajan, R; Amaresan, A
2021-12-07A Bilingual Audio Based Online Shopping Mobile Application for Visually Impaired and the Elderly PeopleKangeswaran, V; Vasandarai, D; Eliyas, C; Munsil, M. M. M; Kodagoda, N; Suriyawansa, K
2014-11-28Bio-oligomers as antibacterial agents and strategies for bacterial detectionKasturiarachchi, J. C
1997Biodiversity of fruit and other tree species in the Huruluwewa watershed with emphasis on their economic utilityAmarasinghe, A. A. Y; Peiris, B. C. N; Peiris, S
2021-05Biomedical Waste Sorting & Classification Using Deep LearningAhmed Akmal, M. A
2021-05Biomedical Waste Sorting & Classification Using Deep LearningAhmed Akmal, M. A.
2018-09-08Biometric based digital signature scheme for land registry verificationSinthujan, R; Senthilkumaran, S; Pranavan, N; Vijitharan, V; Abeywardena, K. Y
2021-09-25Biomonitoring of HgCl2 with Dracaena sanderiana under Two Different Irradiance Levels: Effects on the Photosynthetic ApparatusJayasooriya, L. S. H; Wijethunga, W. M. U. D; Kumarihami, H. M. P. C; Attanayake, U; Beneragama, C. K
2021-03-26Biotechnology - The Panacea When Everything Else FailsFernando, K.S.P.; Gamage, J.H.