Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications : [201] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 201
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-10-08Measuring Software Integration Effort: Identifying Factors Affecting Integration of Software SystemsEdirisinghe, H; Thelijjagoda, S; Nawinna, D
2019-12-05Dia-Shoe: A Smart Diabetic Shoe to Monitor and Prevent Diabetic Foot UlcersKularathne, N; Wijayathilaka, U; Kottawaththa, N; Hewakoralage, S; Thelijjagoda, S
2019-12-05Film-it: Virtual Location Scout and Movie Production Planning Assistant for Film Industry in Sri LankaWijesekera, C; Kosgahakumbura, D; Alwis, J; Kaluarachchi, B; Thelijjagoda, S
2019-12-05Tool to Extract and Summarize Methodologies of Research Articles for Visually Impaired ResearchersAmarawansha, K; Dasanayaka, D; Rajapaksa, C; Fernando, V; Thelijjagoda, S
2020Snap & Hear: Comic Book Analyst for Children Having Literacy and Visual BarriersYapa, R. B. D; Kahaduwa Arachchi, T. L; Suriyarachchi, V. S; Abegunasekara, U. D; Thelijjagoda, S
2020-09-24Aspect-based sentiment analysis on hair care product reviewsKothalawala, M; Thelijjagoda, S
2020-09-24Demystifying the concept of IoT enabled gamification in retail marketing: An exploratory studyJayasooriya, S; Alles, T; Thelijjagoda, S
2020-09-24A solution to overcome speech disorder of patients using Brain Neuron EEG SignalsJayawickrama, J. A. D. T; Thelijjagoda, S
2020-11-04Business Intelligence Assistant for Human Resource Management for IT CompaniesAthukorala, C; Kumarasinghe, H; Dabare, K; Ujithangana, P; Thelijjagoda, S; Liyanage, P
2020-11-26Aspect Based Sentiment Oriented Hotel Recommendation Model Exploiting User Preference LearningGodakandage, M; Thelijjagoda, S
2020-12-15Emergency Communication Application for Speech and Hearing-Impaired CitizensDewasurendra, D; Kumar, A; Perera, I; Jayasena, D; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-04-02Automated Location Scouting and Production Planning for Movie Industry in Sri Lanka using scripts written in Natural LanguagePerera, V; Lakshan, N; Hettiarachchi, A; Himantha, K; Gamage, M. P. A. W; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-04-02Automate Traditional Interviewing Process Using Natural Language Processing and Machine LearningSenarathne, P; Silva, M; Methmini, A; Kavinda, D; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-08-11Plagiarism Detection Tool for Sinhala Language with Internet Resources Using Natural Language ProcessingRajamanthri, L; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-08-11A Mobile-Based Screening and Refinement System to Identify the Risk of Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia Learning Disabilities in Primary School StudentsHewapathirana, C; Abeysinghe, K; Maheshani, P; Liyanage, P; Krishara, J; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-12-09JESSY: An Intelligence Travel AssistantDilshan, K. K. D. N; Parussella, U. M. D. M; Herath, H. M. C. J; Chandranath, C. A. J. P; Thelijjagoda, S; Jayalath, H
2015University academics’ behavioural intention to use E-Government services in Sri LankaNawaz, S. S; Thelijjagoda, S
2015-08Development of a web based electronic waste management system: A study with special reference to recycling companies in Sri LankaShibly, F. H. A; Thelijjagoda, S
2018-10-02Sinhala language decoderVidanaralage, A. J; Illangakoon, A. U; Sumanaweera, S. Y; Pavithra, C; Thelijjagoda, S
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 201