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dc.contributor.authorJayaweera, D.A.N.-
dc.description.abstractSriLanka Information Technology field is now growing faster and the other industries try to combine their work with Information Technology to gain more profit and publi ity. Sri Lanka law field is one of the most famous and oldest fields. Most of the industry field can combinewith Information Technology and do new things as an example store data analyzing data.They need to analyze data because of they need to get correct decision and decision making process. Current Lawyers in Sri Lanka, use manual way to store client details, organize their work etc. Because of that they need lots of document writings, document reading.When the new case acquire to Lawyer, they need to read all history cases and they needto analyze those cases and get the final decision. Searching documents, creating new case files, organize the documents they need to do in efficiency manner. I prop sed this systemto how to they analyze the legal cases opinion and mining legal cases. Opi ions are consequently important that whenever one needs to make a decision, one wants to hear others' opinions. This is true for both individuals and organizations. The technology of OpinionMining thus has a great scope for practical applications. The concept of opi ion is in thecontext of Sentiment Analysis, the main tasks of Sentiment Analysis, and the fr mework of opinion summarization. Along with them, two relevant and important concepts of subjectivityand emotion were also introduced.ewhich are highly related to but not e uivalent to opinion. Existing studies about them have mostly focused on their intersecti ns with opinion.I create a system to analyze legal information in proper manner. The researc is give designthe application in the world context 'and introduce interactive customizable application forthe purpose of analyze legal information. As the outcome of the research, it will present the statistics and survey outcomes of usage of the introducing application f r legal informationanalyze in Sri Lanka and make available the developing.en_US
dc.subjectOpinion Miningen_US
dc.subjectSentiment Analysisen_US
dc.subjectData Miningen_US
dc.subjectText Mininngen_US
dc.titleOpinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis, to Improve Legal Information Efficiency Analysis in Sri Lankan Legal casesen_US
Appears in Collections:2014
MSc. in IT

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