Department of Computer Systems Engineering-Scopes : [62] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 62
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-12-18An Integrated Platform of Water Quality Management for National Water Supply and Drainage BoardHettiarachchi, S; Proboshena, D; Stembo, L; Rajapaksha, H; de Silva, R; Nawinna, D. P
2019-01-10Real-time credit card fraud detection using machine learningThennakoon, A; Bhagyani, C; Premadasa, S; Mihiranga, S; Kuruwitaarachchi, N
2018-11-02SEAMS: A Symmetric Encryption Algorithm Modification System to Resist Power Based Side Channel AttacksPathirana, K. P. A. P; Lankarathne, L. R. M. O; Hangawaththa, N. H. A. D. A; Abeywardena, K. Y; Kuruwitaarachchi, N
2018-11-02E-Secure: An Automated Behavior Based Malware Detection System for Corporate E-Mail TrafficThebeyanthan, K.; Achsuthan, M.; Ashok, S.; Vaikunthan, P.; Senaratne, A. N; Abeywardena, K. Y
2019-12-05Zero Food Waste: Food wastage sustaining mobile applicationGunawardane, M. D. C. J; Pushpakumara, H. A. N; Navarathne, E. N. M. R. L; Lokuliyana, s; Kelaniyage, K. T. I; Gamage, N
2018-09-26Motor Skill Improvement Tool for ApraxiaShanthakumara, M; Kahandawaarachchi, K. A. D. C. P
2019-12-05DiabiTech-Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring SystemUdara, S. S. W. I; De Alwis, A. K; Silva, K. M. W. K; Ananda, U. V. D. M. A; Kahandawaarachchi, K. A. D. C. P
2019-12-05Air Visio: Air Quality Monitoring and Analysis Based Predictive SystemDissanayaka, A. D; Taniya, W. A. D; De Silva, B. P. A. N; Senarathne, A. N; Wijesiri, M. P. M; Kahandawaarachchi, K. A. D. C. P
2019-12-05Therapy Tool for Adolescents with ADHDNugawela, R. C. W. M. R. H. E; Fonseka, W. G. S; Perera, G. U. C; Mihirangi, S. K. S; Kahandawaarachchi, K. A. D. C. P
2019-12-05Wedaduru-An Intelligent Ayurvedic Disease Screening and Remedy Analysis SolutionBandara, R. I. S; Prabagaran, S; Perera, S. A. K. G; Banu, M. N. R; Kahandawaarachchi, K. A. D. C. P
2019-10-08Context Rich Hybrid Navigation Using WiFi and Geomagnetic Sensors in Smartphones and Map Generation Using LidarJayakody, A; Lokuliyana, S; Weerawardene, V. N. N; Somathilake, K. D. P. S; Ishara, A. M. D. D. U
2019-12-05Smart Crop and Fertilizer Prediction SystemWickramasinghe, C. P; Lakshitha, P. L. N; Hemapriya, H. P. H. S; Jayakody, A; Ranasinghe, P. G. N. S
2019-12-05IoT Device to Detect Anemia: A Non-Invasive Approach with Multiple InputsHafeel, A; Fernando, H. S. M. H; Pravienth, M; Lokuliyana, S; Kayanthan, N; Jayakody, A
2019-12-05Cloud Native Efficient Solution for API Migration Across Environments For Agile Integration EnterprisesJayakody, A; Perera, A. K. A; Perera, G. L. A. K. N
2019-12-05Document Reader for Vision Impaired Elementary School Children to Identify Printed ImagesGamage, N. D. U; Jayadewa, K. W. C; Jayakody, A
2019-12-05RFID Based Theft Detection System for Automobile PartsJayakody, A; Nishshanka, S; Liyanage, N; De Silva, N; Abhayawardhana, A
2019-12-05AI Based Cyber Threats and Vulnerability Detection, Prevention and Prediction SystemAmarasinghe, A. M. S. N; Wijesinghe, W. A. C. H; Nirmana, D. L. A; Jayakody, A; Priyankara, A. M. S
2019-12-05Efficient Agricultural Sensor Network with Disease DetectionGunathilaka, M. D. N; Lokuliyana, S; Udurawana, A. W. G. C; Dissanayaka, D. M. A. S; Jayakody, A
2019-12-05Smart wheelchair to facilitate disabled individualsJayakody, A; Nawarathna, A; Wijesinghe, I; Liyanage, S; Dissanayake, J
2019-12-05Comprehensive Forensic Data Extraction and Representation System for Windows RegistryW. De Alwis, C; Rupasinghe, L
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 62