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Increasing the Pass Rate of G.C.E. Advanced Level Engineering Technology Stream Students in a 1AB Nati onal School in the Matugama Zone through Comprehensive Process Management, Training and Development, and Supervision System
A Study of Educati onal Pathways of Children with Visual Impairment and Blindness in Sri Lanka
Environmental Literacy of Junior Secondary Students in Sri Lanka
Exploring the Effectiveness of Sri Lanka’s Language Proficiency Support for Bilingual Education Teachers
Opti mizati on of a Surface Sterilizati on Protocol and Determinati on of Hormonal Combinati on for In vitro Propagati on of the Aquati c Ornamental Plant Echinodorus palifolius
A Study on Conscinium fenestratum and Chitosan Biopolymer Composite for Ayurvedic Drug Delivery
Use of Human Primary Stem Cell Cultures for Screening Cell Proliferati on Sti mulatory and Inhibitory Eff ects of Botanical Preparati ons: an Alternati ve to Animal Models
The Impact of Bitt ern and Gliricidia on the Growth of Chili Plants in Sri Lanka