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Title: Unveiling the Unspoken: A Content Analysis of ‘School Girl’ Sri Lankan Online Pornography
Authors: Perera, P. Y. O.
Pieris, W. G. A. D.
Keywords: Pornography
School girl
Power dynamic
Gender equality
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2023
Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIIT
Citation: P. Y. O. Perera, W. G. A. D. Pieris. (2023). Unveiling the Unspoken: A Content Analysis of ‘School Girl’ Sri Lankan Online Pornography. Proceedings of SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Sciences and Humanities, 1-2 December, Colombo, pages 510-515.
Series/Report no.: Proceedings of the 4th SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Sciences and Humanities;
Abstract: Technological advancements in Sri Lanka have normalized and popularized the use of pornography, particularly with a focus on schoolgirl-related content. Unfortunately, the potential negative consequences associated with this content category have been largely disregarded. This study aims to examine the portrayal of Sri Lankan schoolgirls in Sri Lankan pornographic videos, focusing on behaviours, scenarios, and power dynamics. It analyses the representation of agency, autonomy, and consent, emphasizing gender equality. This sheds light on the objectification and sexualisation of schoolgirls in pornographic videos, emphasizing concerns about protection against harmful societal stereotypes. Employing a content analysis approach, the study purposively selects videos from three popular adult websites based on recent uploads and explicit references to schoolgirls. A comprehensive coding system is developed to analyse descriptive characteristics, sexual behaviours, scenarios, agency, autonomy, consent, and power dynamics, ensuring intercoder reliability through rigorous familiarization and systematic analysis. The analysis of 111 Sri Lankan schoolgirl pornographic videos reveals significant findings. The portrayal of performers wearing school uniforms (48.5%) raises concerns about the objectification of schoolgirls. Dominant themes include romantic scenarios (79.2%), with prevalent sexual behaviours involving vaginal intercourse (65.7%) and non-penetrative activities (63.9%) and promoting less safe sexual practices. Power dynamics vary between equal (77.4%) and unequal (22.5%) relationships. Results suggest that Sri Lankan pornography perpetuates stereotypes portraying schoolgirls as sexually assertive individuals. Further research is needed to understand the motivations behind the demand for this genre and its societal impact, enabling efforts to combat harmful stereotypes.
ISSN: 2783-8862
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities2023 [SICASH]

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