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dc.contributor.authorBandara, T.M.M.P.S.-
dc.contributor.authorMadhushani, K.G.S.-
dc.description.abstractThis study investi gates the impact of Mimosa pigrabased bio ferti lizers on the sensory properti es of MI-2 chili pods (Capsicum annum). Uti lizing Mimosa pigra-based bio ferti lizers, this research examines how organic farming practi ces infl uence the sensory quality of MI-2 chili pods. The organic ferti lizer was formulated by cutti ng Mimosa pigra into small pieces prior to its fl owering stage and allowing them to decompose fully in a pit over a period of six months. The experiment was conducted using a randomized but complete block design, comprising four disti nct treatments and nine replicates each. The fi rst treatment consisted of a ferti lizer mixture incorporati ng Mimosa pigra (MP). The second treatment combined Mimosa pigra with calcium carbonate (MP+C). The third treatment included a combinati on of Mimosa pigra and inorganic ferti lizer (MP+IF). Additi onally, a negati ve control (NC) treatment was included for comparati ve purposes. Each pot mixture was prepared using a combinati on of garden soil, goat manure, and sand at a 2:2:1 rati o. Aft er comparing sensory rati ngs across the treatments using ANOVA, post-hoc tests were performed with signifi cance defi ned at p < 0.05. The mean scores with 95% confi dence intervals were used to present the results. A group of fi ft y parti cipants joined in a sensory evaluati on that evaluated the taste, color, texture, odor, and overall acceptability of the mixture using a 5-point hedonic scale. When compared to other treatments, chili pods treated with MP bioferti lizer were rated as having the best overall acceptance (p = 0.02) and taste (p = 0.03). Pods from the MP+C, MP+IF and NC ferti lizers are among the most preferred in term of colour and texture. More importantly, the overall acceptability of the chili pods grown with the MP ferti lizer was found to be the most preferred by the study parti cipants. Also, thefi ndings aim to enhance our understanding of the role of sustainable agricultural practi ces in shaping food quality and maintaining the cultural relevance of chili peppers in culinary traditi ons.en_US
dc.publisherFaculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIITen_US
dc.subjectHedonic scaleen_US
dc.subjectMimosa pigraen_US
dc.subjectOrganic ferti lizeren_US
dc.subjectQuesti onary surveyen_US
dc.titleInfl uence of Mimosa pigra-Based Bio Ferti lizer on the Sensory Properti es of MI-2 Chili Peppers (Capsicum annum)en_US
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities2024 [SICASH]

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