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Title: Assessment of ICU Nurses’ Knowledge and Identi fying Barriers in Preventi ng Venti lator-Associated Pneumonia in Adult ICUs: A Study at the Nati onal Hospital, Kandy
Authors: Weerasinghe, I.G.T.J.
Srimali, U.H.I.
Herath, H.M.A.N.
Andarawewa, M.R.B.S.S.
Shopijen, E.
Priyanthi, W.N.
Keywords: Venti lator Associated Pneumonia
Intensive Care Unit
Criti cal Care Nursing
Issue Date: 4-Dec-2024
Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIIT
Abstract: Criti cal care services are costly, and the pati ents with indicati ons for prolonged intubati on are highly vulnerable to Venti lator Associated Pneumonia (VAP), which prolongs their hospital stay and raises the cost of treatment. In Southeast Asia, the prevalence of VAP ranges between 16.2% to 74.2%, with the mortality rate of 30 %. This study aimed to assess Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nurses’ knowledge of VAP and identi fy the barriers in VAP preventing on at the settings of adult ICUs in National Hospital Kandy. A descriptive cross-cti onal approach was used, and data were collected from 132 nurses working in diff erent Intensive Care Units from July 24 to July 30, 2023. Knowledge and practices regarding VAP prevention were identi fi ed through a structured self-administered questi onnaire. Results indicated that a significant number of nurses (73.48%) possessed good knowledge on VAP bundle and 25% were aware of radiological changes related to VAP. Additi onally, poor knowledge regarding cleaning and the changing frequency of venti lator circuits were identified among nurses, as 13.64% and 1.32% were knowledgeable in those areas respecti vely. Most ICU nurses adhered to the established infecti on control practices (86.36%), while some barriers were identified, including low visitor’s adherence to infection control, inadequate staffing and the absence of laminar airflow in ICUs. Despite the challenges all the ICU nurses expressed willingness to engage in VAP preventive strategies, and 93.2% of them were seeking further education. In conclusion the findings from this study emphasize the need for training and improved support for VAP preventi on in ICUs.
ISSN: 2783-8862
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities2024 [SICASH]

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