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Title: Improving the Ability in Completi ng Written Exercises Properly: An Acti on Research Study
Authors: Amarasena, K.A.
Janaki Aberathna, A.H.M.G.R.
Gamage, V
Keywords: Cognitive
Action Research
Intervention Plan
Structured Essay
Issue Date: 4-Dec-2024
Publisher: Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIIT
Abstract: The subject of Informati on Technology has a prominent place in the current school curriculum due to its involvement in expanding the capacity, cogniti ve and psychomotor skills of an individual. The subject consists of both theoreti cal and practi cal areas. The ability to write proper answers for a given writt en exercise is a fundamental skill a student must have when studying Informati on Technology. While conducti ng the teaching learning process, the main problem encountered was the backwardness of student X in providing proper short answers to a given writt en exercise. Through data collecti on methods such as observati ons, interviews and documentary study, the nature of the problem was clearly investi gated. The current study was started with the intenti on of eliminati ng backwardness in providing proper short answers to a given writt en exercise. The literature review was done to orient the acti on research towards the correct directi on by getti ng an insight into implementi ng the interventi on plan. The preliminary functi onal plan was executed with three steps and the objecti ve was to moti vate the student to complete the given writt en exercise accurately. The second interventi on plan was implemented and completed with three steps. The objecti ve of the second interventi on was to build up the ability to construct a writt en answer logically and creati vely. Finally, the third interventi on step was executed with three steps to improve the ability in completi ng the writt en exercises properly. The qualitati ve analyti cal comparison was done among pre and post writt en answers of student X. There was a vivid positi ve improvement in the post writt en answer. Marks obtained for the structured essay part in the Informati on Technology subject had improved by eleven marks aft er conducti ng the acti on research. The current study thus demonstrates that there is a direct proporti onal relati onship between the variables of student performance and the student’s capability in completi ng the given writt en tasks.
ISSN: 2783-8862
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Science and Humanities2024 [SICASH]

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