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Title: Adoption success of using Generative AI apps for the ECommerce Platforms in Sri Lanka
Authors: Dilshan, A.
Wijayanayake, J.
Asanka, D.
Karunarathna, C.
Keywords: Adoption Success
Acceptance of Technology
Generative AI Apps
Technology Acceptance Model
Issue Date: 10-Dec-2024
Publisher: ICSDB 2024 and SLIIT Business School
Series/Report no.: Proceeding of the 03rd International Conference on Sustainable & Digital Business, ICSDB 2024;414p-429p.
Abstract: The digital landscape has witnessed the widespread influence of e-commerce, with the Information Technology industry embracing generative AI applications. This research aims to investigate the adoption success of existing e-commerce platforms in Sri Lanka in incorporating generative AI technologies. A systematic literature review using the PRISMA framework identified how generative AI is used in various industries, its Future Directions, Ethical Concerns, Security, and Privacy Considerations, and the most widely used and accepted models for understanding technology adoption. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) are the two most widely used in past research for the acceptance of technology. These two models and past literature were used to develop a conceptual framework. The variables in this research model were measured through questionnaires with five-point Likert scales and close-ended questions completed by the Software Engineering and Software development process-related employees in Sri Lanka. Data cleaning and demographic data analysis were conducted using IBM SPSS 21, and preliminary data analysis was performed using PLS-SEM (SmartPLS 4). The study found that generative AI apps are productive, effective, and capable of retaining users with a positive intention to use them in Ecommerce. High implementation costs negatively impact, and Low training and maintenance costs positively affect the intention of users to adopt generative AI apps. The factors such as innovativeness, perceived benefits, and level of attitudes, positively impact the overall adoption success. These findings are expected to guide Sri Lankan e-commerce platforms, aiding them in enhancing the successful adoption and seamless integration of generative AI apps. By aligning with the wisdom of TAM and its associated models, our research contributes to understanding the adoption success of Sri Lankan e-commerce platforms to embrace generative AI technologies.
ISSN: 3030-7031
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable and Digital Business, 2024

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