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Title: Factors Impacting Job Satisfaction of Female Academic Staff in Sri Lankan State Universities
Authors: Edirisinghe, G
Serasinghe, I
Amarasinghe, S
Galappatti, D
Wisenthige, K
Jayathilake, T
Keywords: Female Academic Staff
Job Satisfaction
State Universities
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2023
Publisher: SLIIT Business School
Series/Report no.: Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable & Digital Business, ICSDB 2023;236-253p.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate the critical factors impacting job satisfaction of female academic staff in state universities. With a rising number of women entering academia, it is critical to identify the factors that contribute to their job satisfaction to build an inclusive and supportive work environment. Using a comprehensive literature review, survey questionnaires, this research investigates numerous factors that affect job satisfaction of female academic staff. The study was adopted a quantitative-method approach to gather data from a diverse sample of female academic staff members from various state universities with structured questionnaire is administered to a representative sample of female academic staff to gather quantitative data on their job satisfaction levels and identify key factors influencing their contentment at work. Using 330 sample size for the research according to the morgan table and using smart pls software for the data analysis. Data analysis method is structural equation modelling. According to the study's findings, several major factors have a substantial impact on the job satisfaction of female academic staff members in state universities. When it comes to their overall job satisfaction, work-life balance stands out as a key factor, with many participants citing difficulties juggling their professional and personal obligations. The study also emphasizes the value of inclusive and encouraging work environments and employee dedication. The results of this study have broad repercussions. Institutional leaders and politicians can conduct targeted interventions to improve working conditions and promote a more inclusive and supportive environment by studying the factors impacting job satisfaction among female academic staff at state universities. With a particular focus on the experiences of female academic workers, this study adds to the body of knowledge on job satisfaction in academia.
ISSN: 3030-7031
Appears in Collections:Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable and Digital Business, 2023

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