Browsing by Author Wickramarachchi, C

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-01-14ACADEMIC SUCCESS OF PERSONS WITH VISUAL IMPAIRMENT AND BLINDNESS IN THE TERTIARY SECTOR: EXPLANATORY MODELSuraweera, T; Bandara, S; Wickramarachchi, C; Dewage, N; Gunawardana, T; Nanayakkara, N; Yapa, E; Thelijjagoda, S; Jayathilaka, R
2022-10-09The Assessment of Climate Change Impacts and Land-use Changes on Flood Characteristics: The Case Study of the Kelani River Basin, Sri LankaSamarasinghe, J. T; Makumbura, R. K; Wickramarachchi, C; Sirisena, J; Gunathilake, M.B; Muttil, N; Yenn Teo, F; Rathnayake, U
2024-09-30Cheers to anxiety: Granger causality insights on alcohol consumption patterns across 13 South American countriesPalliyaguru, D; Senarathne, B; Jayathilaka, R; Rajamanthri, L; Wickramarachchi, C
2022-06-16Diagnosing autism in low‐income countries: Clinical record‐based analysis in Sri LankaSamarasinghe, P; Wickramarachchi, C; Peiris, H; Vance, P; Dahanayake, D. M. A.; Kulasekara, V; Nadeeshani, M
2021-09-25Factors Affecting Academic Performance of People with Visual Disabilities in the Tertiary SectorSuraweera, T; Wickramarachchi, C; Dewage, N; Gunawardana, M; Nanayakkara, T; Yapa, N; Handapangoda, R; Wickramarachchi, C
2021-09-25Obstacles and Challenges for People with Visual Impairment and Blindness in Seeking Financial Services from the Banking SectorSuraweera, T; Wickramarachchi, C; Ranasinghe, R. A. B. N; Jayarathna, I. G. N. H; De Silva, W. P. P; Lokeshwara, A. A
2023-12-14Parental Involvement, Demographic Factors, and its Effects on the Academic Success of Undergraduates in Sri LankaDelpitiya, A; Paththuwearachchi, D; Jayalath, W; Mendis, T; Karunarathna, N; Wickramarachchi, C
2021-12Projected Moisture Index (MI) for tropical Sri LankaWickramarachchi, C; Samarasinghe, T; Alyousifi, Y; Rathnayake, U. S
2022-02Relationship between Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics of Persons with Visual Impairment and Blindness to their Levels of Vision: evidence from two geographical areas in Sri LankaWickramarachchi, C; Jayathilaka, R; Serasinghe, W; Kollure, L; Kollure, T; Suraweera, T; Thelijjagoda, S
2022Relationships between Socio-Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Persons with Visual Impairment and BlindnessWickramarachchi, C; Jayathilaka, R; Serasinghe, W; Kollure, L; Thisarani, T; Suraweera, T; Thelijjagoda, S
2023-12-14The Socioeconomic Consequences of Brain Drain and Migration in Sri Lanka: A Comprehensive Literature AnalysisMaussawa, G; Wijerathne, C; Gunasekara, J; Wickramarachchi, C; Thelijjagoda, S