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Title: SalFix: Solutions for Small Businesses Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Authors: Perera, T.
Kuganandamurthy, L.
Ameen, T.
Dassanayake, T.
Ganegoda, D.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Web application
Issue Date: 9-Dec-2021
Publisher: 2021 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC), SLIIT
Abstract: Every large organization was a small business before. There are many businesses starting every day. Most of them are small businesses. Managing a business is always a challenge. The owners face lots of challenges when they engage with a business. Small business owners do not have enough knowledge about advertising or promoting a product. New owners do not know the trendiest product at present, and they need to know to sell which product to be profitable. L ack o f communication with the customers will impact the customer base. These are the main problems that owners face. By introducing SalFix, these challenges can be conquered. SalFix is a web application that is suitable for current owners and new owners. SalFix uses Artificial I ntelligence t o g enerate a utomated a d i mages, predict what will happen to the business next year, predict which product is the trendiest. To improve customer communication, SalFix is embedded with a chatbot plugin that can be integrated into the small business’s website. SalFix can perform a SWOT analysis as well. Owners can use SalFix to fix t heir s ales and boost their income. SalFix is a yearly subscription service and will provide more accurate results.
ISSN: 978-1-6654-0862-2/21
Appears in Collections:3rd International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC) | 2021
Department of Information Technology-Scopes
Research Publications -Dept of Information Technology

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