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Title: Router-based content-aware data redirection for future cdn systems
Authors: Wijekoon, J
Harahap, E
Ishida, S
Tennekoon, R
Nishi, H
Keywords: Service-oriented Router
Network Simulation
Data Analysis
Content Delivery Networking
Request Redirection
Issue Date: 1-May-2014
Publisher: Modern Education and Computer Science Press
Series/Report no.: International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security;Vol 6 Issue 7 Pages 1
Abstract: Delivery of data-enriched applications has become a top priority on the Internet, and Internet users are demanding faster and higher-quality services. Cater such requirements, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) were introduced. However, the growth rate of information on the Internet requires infrastructural modifications to keep the consistency while maintaining quality of the Internet services. To this end, the Service-oriented Router is introduced to provide content based services by shifting the current Internet infrastructure to informationbased open innovation platform. In this study, initially we provide implementation notes of a software-designed SoR. Then we propose a new method of CDN Request Redirection (RR) (SoR-based RR), which is designed to redirect packets based on the content of packets and the status of content servers using an SoR as an edge router of a CDN. Furthermore, we present the design and implementation of a prototype to realize the SoR-based RR in a testing network. By analyzing the result of the prototype implementation, we show that the SoR-based RR can enhance the both client experience and faster adaptations to the server changes in CDN environments.
ISSN: 2074-9090
Appears in Collections:Research Papers - Dept of Computer Systems Engineering
Research Papers - IEEE
Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications

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