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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 201
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-10The Effects of Natural Disasters: A Study to Sustain Paddy and other Seasonal Crop Farmers in Sri LankaDeshapriya, R. D. N. L; Lakpriya, K. A. D. L; Pathiraja, P. M. D. G. T; Wijesiri, P. G. N. A. H; Jayathilaka, R
2019-10The Impact of the Proportion of Female Directors on Firm Performance: An Approach to Achieve Gender EqualityZainab, A. C. H. F; Senavirathna, H. D. N. N; Priyashantha, W. M. S; Yasarathna, T. A. D. K; Jayathilaka, R
2009-11FTA Negotiations in Asia-Pacific Region: An Empirical Study on the Determinants FTA among the Bilateral Trading PartnersJayathilaka, R; Keembiyahetti, N
2021-12-20Does Working from Home Affect Work-Life Balance? A Look into the Factors that Affect Work-Life BalanceRathnaweera, D; Jayathilaka, R
2022-02Relationship between Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics of Persons with Visual Impairment and Blindness to their Levels of Vision: evidence from two geographical areas in Sri LankaWickramarachchi, C; Jayathilaka, R; Serasinghe, W; Kollure, L; Kollure, T; Suraweera, T; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-08Effects of Seven Domains of Personal Well-being on Quality of Life of Persons with Visual Impairment and Blindness in Sri LankaDunuwila, V. R; Jayathilaka, R; Attale, D; De Seram, H; Sudusinghe, D; Abeyrathna, I; Suraweera, T; Thelijjagoda, S
2022-06-14Impact of Critical Success Factors in Oracle EBS Enterprise Resource Planning Post Go Live Implementation:A Case Study on SriLankan AirlinesDissanayake, I; Thelijjagoda, S
2022-05-09CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND FIRM INTEGRATED PERFORMANCE: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKNagalingam, N; Kumarapperuma, C; Malinga, C; Gayanthika, K; Amanda, N; Perera, A
2022-06-16Exchange rate sensitivity influencing the economy: The case of Sri LankaJayathilaka, R; Thevakumar, p
2022-01-21Sell-Net: Mobile Based Solution to Strengthen the Seller-Buyer Relationship of Small-Scale Businesses in Sri LankaWickramarathne, N; Siriwardana, U; Karunarathna, A; Jeremiah, P; Thelijjagoda, S; Krishara, J
2022-02Universal Sinhala Library: Language Specific Encryption Platform for Sinhala LanguageThelijjagoda, S; Webadu Wedanage, D, K, H
2019-01-31Road Navigation System Using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) And Natural Language Processing (NLP)Withanage, P; Liyanage, T; Deeyakaduwe, N; Dias, E; Thelijjagoda, S
2021-04THE EFFECT OF THE COVID 19 ON OVERALL FIRM PERFORMANCE IN SRI LANKAN APPAREL COMPANIESKavindi, B; Priyasath, G; Perera, L; Anuradha, R. P. S; Weligodapola, H. W. M. C; Karunarathna, K. N. P
2021-03-03Gross domestic product and logistics performance index drive the world trade: A study based on all continentsJayathilaka, R; Jayawardhana, C; Embogama, N; Jayasooriya, S; Karunarathna, N; Gamage, T; Kuruppu, N
2020Identifying the ways of delivery performance enhancements in Sri Lankan E commerce Logistics sector with special reference to the Cash on Delivery (COD) method: An Integrative …Karunarathna, N
2021-02-04Critical factors influencing online consumer preference towards cash on delivery method in Sri LankaKarunarathna, N
2019-10-21Impact of lean implementation on employees’ job satisfaction in the ABC Apparel manufacturing firmKarunarathne, N; Samarasinghe, H. M. U. S. R
2019-03A study of the implications of logistics 4.0 in future warehousing: a Sri Lankan perspectiveKarunarathna, N; Wickramarachchi, R; Vidanagamachchi, K
2021-02-24The impact of training on employee performance in a selected apparel sector organization in Sri LankaKuruppu, C. L; Kavirathne, C. S; Karunarathna, N
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 201