Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 201
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020-06 | Extending the Institutional Theory: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Perspectives, Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N |
2020-05-24 | Sustainability of Hotels: Evidence from Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka | Alahakoon, A. M. Y. U; Nagendrakumar, N; Madhavika, W. D. N; Weerawardhana, K. W. P. T. R; Wishwadeep, D. D. P; Anushani, D. M. S |
2020-07-29 | An empirical study of students’ satisfaction with professional accounting education programs, Sri Lanka | Nadishana, G. S. W. Y; Ameen, Z; Kulatunga, K. A; Perera, A; Perera, C; Madhavika, W. D. N; Nagendrakumar, N |
2021-05 | Testing the Validity of Purchasing Power Parity: A Comparison of Sri Lanka and Pakistan | Nagendrakumar, N; Madhavika, W. D. N; Abusaly, H; Nawarathna, N. M. D; Yohan, H. P. Y. S; Attanayaka, L. G; Fernando, D |
2020-12-03 | Conceptual Study on Socio-Economic Impact of the Decline in Firm Performances of Hotels in Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N; Lokeshwara, A. A; Jayasuriya, K. R. G. T; Ravisara, K. R. G. T; Weerawickrama, M. J; Madushan, M. G. D |
2021-10 | The nexus between innovations and banking performance – during covid-19 pandemic | Nagendrakumar, N; Madhavika, W. D. N; Kalpani, L.D. Y; Pushpamali, W. A. Y; Rashmi Nisansala, S. W. M; Madumi Bashini, G. V. M |
2021-10-15 | Conceptual Study on Isomorphism and Stagnation of Employment Opportunities for Female Labor Force in Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N; Madhavika, W. D. N; Nimeshika, D. K. M. S; Bulathsinhala, D. S. M; Kalhara, H. L. R; Rodney, R |
2021-07 | Resource Optimization in Paddy Cultivation, for Developing Countries; A Sector Synergetic Approach | Buddhika, M.S; Madhavika, W.D.N; Nagendrakumar, N; Colombathanthri, P. S. H; Rathnayake, R. M. T; Jayaweera, J. H. M. P. S. B |
2021-10-15 | An influx of tourist arrivals between Easter attack and covid-19 in Sri Lanka | Rathnayake, K.R.M.C.S; Nagendrakumar, N; Lokeshwara, A, A; Gunawardana, S.A.D.C.K; Kodikara, U.P; Rajapaksha, R.W.N.H |
2021-12-16 | AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON ISOMORPHISM AND STAGNATION OF EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR FEMALE LABOUR FORCE IN SRI LANKA | Bulathsinhala, D. S. M; Nagendrakumar, N; Madhavika, W. D. N; Nimeshika, D. K. M. S; Kalhara, H. L. R; Rodney, R |
2022 | Sustainable Supply Chains of Sri Lankan Manufacturing Organizations: A Study on Operational Excellence Models During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Nagendrakumar, N; Malsinghe, M.T.D; Gunathilaka, M.H.A; Bandara, I.P.C.D; Wijerathne, A.I; Madhavika, W.D.N |
2014-01-31 | Effectiveness of Financial Accounting and Reporting Practices introduced to Eastern Provincial Council, Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N |
2015-10 | Applicability of Sri Lanka public sector accounting standards: Trincomalee urban council, Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N |
2018-07 | Country Specific Factors: Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting Reforms in Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N |
2015-11 | Do Institutional Pressures Matter in Development? A case of Introduction of Accrual Accounting Practices to the Public Sector in Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N; Fonseka, M; Dissanayake, K |
2015 | The development of public sector accounting and financial reporting in Sri Lanka | Nagendrakumar, N; Fonseka, M; Dissanayake, K |
2018 | Improving innovation performance by convergence in open innovation | Yapa, S. R; Senathiraja, R; Kauranen, I |
2019 | Why Adoption of Some Technologies is Faster? An Explanation Through Sequential Coherence | Rajapaksha Yapa, S; Senathiraja, R; Poesche, J; Kauranen, I |
2019-09-05 | Sequential Coherence: A Novel Determinant of Open Innovation | Rajapaksha Yapa, S; Senathiraja, R; Poesche, J; Kauranen, I |
2020-11-22 | Time Orientation & Sequential Coherence as Novel Determinants of Open Innovation Performance | Kauranen, I; Rajapaksha Yapa, S; Senathiraja, R; Poesche, J |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 201