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Title: A gyroscope based accurate pedometer algorithm
Authors: Jayalath, S
Abhayasinghe, N
Murray, I
Keywords: pedometer algorithms
gyroscopic data
singlepoint sensors
step detection
localization and navigation
vision imapired navigation
Issue Date: Oct-2013
Publisher: International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
Series/Report no.: International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation;Vol 28 Pages 31st
Abstract: Accurate step counting is important in pedometer based indoor localization. Existing step detection techniques are not sufficiently accurate, especially at low walking speeds that are commonly observed when navigating unfamiliar environments. This is more critical when vision impaired indoor navigation is considered due to the fact that they have relatively low walking speeds. Almost all existing pedometer techniques use accelerometer data to identify steps, which is not very accurate at low walking speeds. This paper describes a gyroscope based pedometer algorithm implemented in a smartphone. The smartphone is placed in the pocket of the trouser, which is a usual carrying position of the mobile phone. The gyroscope sensor data is used for the identification of steps. The algorithm was designed to demand minimal computational resources so that it can be easily implemented in an embedded platform. Raw data from the sensor are filtered using a 6th order Butterworth filter for noise reduction. This is then sent though a zero crossing detector which identifies the steps. A minimum delay between two consecutive zero crossings was used to avoid fluctuations being counted and peak detection was used to validate steps. The algorithm has a calibration mode, in which the absolute minimum swing of data is learnt to set the threshold. This approach demonstrated accuracies above 96% even at slow walking speeds on flat land, above 95% when walking up/down hills and above 90% when going up/down stairs. This has supported the concept that the gyroscope can be used efficiently in step identification for indoor positioning and navigation systems.
Appears in Collections:Research Papers - Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Research Papers - Open Access Research
Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications

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