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Title: “Smart Assistant”: A solution to facilitate vision impaired individuals
Authors: Sankalpani, P
Wijesinghe, I
Jeewani, I
Anooj, R
Mahadikaara, M. D. J. T. H
Jayakody, A
Keywords: Smart Assistant
Facilitate Vision
Impaired Individuals
Issue Date: 2-Oct-2018
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: P. Sankalpani, I. Wijesinghe, I. Jeewani, R. Anooj, M. D. J. T. H. Mahadikaara and J. A. D. C. Anuradha Jayakody, "“Smart Assistant”: A Solution to Facilitate Vision Impaired Individuals," 2018 National Information Technology Conference (NITC), 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/NITC.2018.8550059.
Series/Report no.: 2018 National Information Technology Conference (NITC);Pages 1-6
Abstract: This paper presents a solution for vision impaired people to navigate through an unfamiliar indoor environment with the help of their smart phone. Although there are some solutions which address this scenario, they do have some problems such as lack of accuracy and inability to apply for real-life situations. So, the solution presented here avoids those drawbacks and apply more realistic and improved ways of navigating techniques. This prototype demonstrates how to localize and get map details as required to navigate indoor buildings with voice support. The end result of this research is to increase the accuracy and the easiness of this system compared to the existing supportive systems.
ISSN: 2279-3895
Appears in Collections:Department of Computer Systems Engineering-Scopes
Research Papers - Dept of Computer Systems Engineering
Research Papers - IEEE
Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications

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