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Title: Use of LIME for Human interpretability in Sinhala document classification
Keywords: Sinhala document
Human interpretability
Issue Date: 28-Mar-2019
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: P. K. S. Kumari and P. S. Haddela, "Use of LIME for Human interpretability in Sinhala document classification," 2019 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE), 2019, pp. 97-102, doi: 10.23919/SCSE.2019.8842767.
Series/Report no.: 2019 International Research Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE);Pages 97-102
Abstract: With advancement of technology in Sri Lanka, use of Sinhala text usage has grown rapidly over the time where automatic categorization is helpful for efficient content management. As a result, experts tend to use machine learning application to categorize this large volume of data in an efficient and accurate manner. Most of these learning models are operating in a black-box where there is no way to understand how the model has decided which category an instance is assigned. Understanding the reason behind why learning model makes these predictions is very important to trust such models and to provide reasonable justifications in real world application. Intention of this research is to present the work carried on related to document classification model prediction interpretation where a set of text classifiers has been studied with use of SinNG5, freely available Sinhala Document corpus.
ISSN: 2613-8662
Appears in Collections:Department of Information Technology-Scopes
Department of Information Technology-Scopes
Research Papers - IEEE
Research Papers - SLIIT Staff Publications
Research Publications -Dept of Information Technology

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